Results for 'John F. Heil Jr'

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  1. Why is Aristotle's Brave Man So Frightened? The Paradox of Courage in the Eudemian Ethics.John F. Heil - 1996 - Apeiron 29 (1):47-74.
  2. Lynne Spellman, Substance and Separation in Aristotle. [REVIEW]John Heil Jr - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16:67-69.
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    Questioning the Self: Kierkegaard and Derrida.John F. Whitmire Jr - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (4):418-427.
    I argue in this paper that philosophers have tended to neglect most autobiographies, even explicitly philosophical ones, due to invalid presuppositions about genre demarcations, and that they would do well to consider them for the resources they offer in terms of constituting positions on selfhood and agency. I further argue that Jacques Derrida offers a productive theoretical framework for understanding philosophical autobiographies as performances, or instances of "making" the truth (Augustine's veritatem facere) by "testifying" or "witnessing," and analyze both Derrida's (...)
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  4. Kielan Yarrow, Patrick Haggard, and John C. Rothwell. Action, arousal, and subjective time.David A. Gallo, John G. Seamon, L. Andrew Coward, Ron Sun, Jing Zhu, John F. Kihlstrom, Steven M. Platek, Jaime W. Thomson, Gordon G. Gallup Jr & Jeroen G. W. Raaijmakers - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12:783.
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  5. 126 Carolyn Gratton.Peter L. Berger, Thomas Luckman, Robert Blauner, Herbert Block, Melvin Prince, Orville G. Brim, Stanton Wheeler, John Nixon Brooks, Henry Bugbee Jr & J. F. T. Bugental - 1972 - Humanitas 66:125.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Theodore Brameld, Midori Matsuyama, Harvey Neufeldt, Lois M. R. Louden, Margaret Gillett, Don Adams, Theodore Hutchcroft, William T. Lowe, Rodney P. Riegle, Timothy J. Bergen Jr, Charles R. Schindler, Gerald L. Gutek, William E. Eaton, Gertrude Langsam, John F. Murphy, Paul D. Travers, Charles M. Dye, Natalie A. Naylor & Richard Edward Kelly - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (4):395-437.
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  7. Mental properties.John Heil & David Robb - 2003 - American Philosophical Quarterly 40 (3):175-196.
    It is becoming increasingly clear that the deepest problems currently exercising philosophers of mind arise from an ill-begotten ontology, in particular, a mistaken ontology of properties. After going through some preliminaries, we identify three doctrines at the heart of this mistaken ontology: (P) For each distinct predicate, “F”, there exists one, and only one, property, F, such that, if “F” is applicable to an object a, then “F” is applicable in virtue of a’s being F. (U) Properties are universals, not (...)
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  8.  27
    Relations.John Heil - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Historically, philosophical discussions of relations have featured chiefly as afterthoughts, loose ends to be addressed only after coming to terms with more important and pressing metaphysical issues. F. H. Bradley stands out as an exception. Understanding Bradley's views on relations and their significance today requires an appreciation of the alternatives, which in turn requires an understanding of how relations have traditionally been classified and how philosophers have struggled to capture their nature and their ontological standing. Positions on these topics range (...)
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    Differential effects of shock intensity on one-way and shuttle avoidance conditioning.John Theios, A. David Lynch & William F. Lowe Jr - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (2):294.
  10. Perceptual experience.John Heil - 1991 - In Dretske and His Critics. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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  11.  67
    Book Reviews Section 4.Frederic B. Mayo Jr, John Bruce Francis, John S. Burd, Wilson A. Judd, Eunice S. Matthew, William F. Pinar, Paul Erickson, Charles John Stark, Walter H. Clark Jr, Irvin David Glick, Howard D. Bruner, John Eddy, David L. Pagni, Gloria J. Abbington, Michael L. Greenbaum, Phillip C. Frey, Robert G. Owens, Royce W. van Norman, M. Bruce Haslam, Eugene Hittleman, Sally Geis, Robert H. Graham, Ogden L. Glasow, A. L. Fanta & Joseph Fashing - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):198-200.
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    Book Reviews Section 1.John Ohlinger, David Conrad, Frederick S. Buchanan, Jack Christensen, Jeffrey Herold, J. Don Reeves, Everett D. Lantz, Ursula Springer, Robert L. Hardgrave Jr, Noel F. Mcginn, Malcolm B. Campbell, R. J. Woodin, Norman Lederer, Jerry B. Burnell & Rodney Skager - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):65-75.
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  13. Book Reviews : From Sacrament to Contract: Marriage, Religion and Law in the Western Tradition, by John Witte, jr. Louisville, Ky: Westminster / John Knox, 1997. 315 pp. pb. US $24. ISBN 0-664-25543-4. [REVIEW]John F. Jackson - 1999 - Studies in Christian Ethics 12 (2):99-102.
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    A Preliminary Study Exploring the Value Changes Taking Place in the United States since the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center in New York. [REVIEW]Edward F. Murphy Jr, John D. Gordon & Aleta Mullen - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (1):81 - 96.
    This study was a preliminary exploration of the value changes taking place in the United States since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York, which was a significant emotional event or cultural upheaval. Rokeach told us that "a person's total value system may undergo change as a result of socialization, therapy, or cultural upheaval..." (Rokeach, The Nature of Human Values, 1973, p. 37). The researchers explored the value changes of 500 aviation industry employees (...)
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  15. John Lachs, In Love With Life: Reflections on the joy of living and why we hate to die Reviewed by.Benjamin F. Armstrong Jr - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19 (6):428-429.
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  16. John Dewey and the question of race: The fight for Odell Waller.Sam F. Stack Jr - 2009 - Education and Culture 25 (1):pp. 17-35.
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    Sympathy in John Dewey's Theory of Community: Presenting a Challenge to Anti-Democratic Community.Sam F. Stack Jr - 2021 - Education and Culture 36 (2):29-49.
  18.  60
    Book Reviews Section 3.Roger R. Woock, Howard K. Macauley Jr, John M. Beck, Janice F. Weaver, Patti Mcgill Peterson, Stanley L. Goldstein, A. Richard King, Don E. Post, Faustine C. Jones, Edward H. Berman, Thomas O. Monahan, William R. Hazard, J. Estill Alexander, William D. Page, Daniel S. Parkinson, Richard O. Dalbey, Frances J. Nesmith, William Rosenfield, Verne Keenan, Robert Girvan & Robert Gallacher - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):84-99.
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  19. T H Green: the Development of English Thought from J S Mill to F H Bradley.John-Herman Randall-Jr - 1966 - Journal of the History of Ideas:217-244.
    This is an analysis of the relation of green to nineteenth century thought. the author believes that green stands for three ideas. first, he is the major nineteenth century critic of utilitarianism. second, he is the main critic of laissez-faire individualism. third, he is the major critic of empiricism. green believed that experience is identical with thought; the real world is the intelligible world. the human mind, in knowing, establishes relations with the eternal mind. the author concludes that green is (...)
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  20.  47
    Narrative Symposium: Conflicting Interests in Medicine.Laura Jean Bierut, Sal Cruz-Flores, Laura E. Hodges, Anthony A. Mikulec, Govind K. Nagaldinne, Erine L. Bakanas, John F. Peppin, Joel S. Perlmutter, William H. Seitz, Edward Diao, Andre N. Sofair & David M. Zientek - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (2):67-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Conflicting Interests in MedicineLaura Jean Bierut, Sal Cruz-Flores, Laura E. Hodges, Anthony A. Mikulec, Govind K. Nagaldinne, Erine L. Bakanas, John F. Peppin, Joel S. Perlmutter, William H. Seitz Jr., Edward Diao, Andre N. Sofair, and David M. Zientek• To Recruit or Not to Recruit for a Clinical Trial• An Unexpected Lesson• Am I on call for the entire Midwest?• Why is Medicare Wasting Away?• The Downside (...)
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  21. Review of How Buddhism Began: The Conditioned Genesis of the Early Teachings by Richard F. Gombrich. [REVIEW]John Holder Jr - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (2):297-299.
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    Individual members 2005.Martın Abadi, Areski Nait Abdallah, Yoshihiro Abe, Francine F. Abeles, Andrew Aberdein, Vicente Aboites, Nathanael Ackerman, Bryant Adams, John W. Addison Jr & Sergey Adian - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (4).
  23. Individual members 2004.Martın Abadi, Areski Nait Abdallah, Yoshihiro Abe, Francine F. Abeles, Andrew Aberdein, Vicente Aboites, Nathanael Ackerman, John W. Addison Jr, Klaus T. Aehlig & Fritz Aeschbach - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (4).
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    Individual members 2003.Martın Abadi, Yoshihiro Abe, Francine F. Abeles, Andrew Aberdein, Vicente Aboites, Nathanael Ackerman, Roger D. Acord, Zofia Adamowicz, John W. Addison Jr & Fritz Aeschbach - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (4).
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Martin Levit, David Neil Silk, Francesco Cordasco, George Bernstein, Paul F. Black, Hyman Kuritz, David Gottlieb, Mary Dunn, James L. Jarrett, Sandra Gadell, John Gadell, Glen Hass, Ronald H. Mueller, Robert Acosta, Sylvester Kohut Jr, Ralph H. Hunkins, Robert B. Girvan, Frederick S. Buchanan, Albert Nissman & H. J. Prince - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (1):21-35.
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    A History of Aerodynamics and Its Impact on Flying Machines. John D. Anderson Jr.F. Culick - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):589-590.
  27.  30
    Marketing and the Common Good: Essays from Notre Dame On Societal Impact by Patrick E. Murphy and John F. Sherry Jr. New York: Routledge, 2014. 328 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-82883-3. [REVIEW]Andrew Gustafson - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (1):146-149.
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  28. Ralph H. Lutts The Wild Animal Story Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998, 302 pp. Howard Lyman Mad Cowboy. [REVIEW]Randy Malamud, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ollin Eugene Myers Jr, Barbara Orlans, Tom L. Beauchamp, Rebecca Dresser, David B. Morton, John P. Gluck, Kenneth D. Pimple & F. Barbara Orlans - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7:2.
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    Just War: Authority, Tradition, and Practice. Edited by Anthony F. Lang Jr., Cian O'Driscoll, and John Williams. Pp. viii, 328, Washington, DC, Georgetown University Press, 2013, $26.50. [REVIEW]John R. Williams - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):509-511.
  30.  33
    The Career of Philosophy from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment. By John Hermann Randall Jr., New York: Columbia University Press, 1962, pp. xiv, 993. $13.95. [REVIEW]Robert F. McRae - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (1):101-102.
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    Preface to Philosophy: Textbook. By William Ernest Hocking, Brand Blanshard, Charles William Hendel, and John Herman Randall Jr (The Macmillan Coy., New York. 1946. Pp. vii + 504. Price 12s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]P. F. Strawson - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (87):378-.
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    Hannah Arendt and international relations: Reading across the lines - by Anthony F. Lang, jr. and John Williams.Patchen Markell - 2006 - Ethics and International Affairs 20 (4):535–537.
  33.  71
    F. H. Bradley and the Working-out of Absolute Idealism.John Herman Randall - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (3):245-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:F. H. Bradley and the Working-out of Absolute Idealism* JOHN HERMAN RANDALL, JR. FRANCIS HERBERTBRADLEY (1846-1924) 1 agreed with the other English idealists that the real world is the experienced world. But he started with the fundamental conviction that "experience" is more than "thought," as Green had maintained. Bradley's basic drive is the refusal to abolish "feeling" in favor of knowledge and intelligibility. "Feeling" is a fundamental and (...)
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  34.  67
    Albertus Magnus. On Animals: A Medieval Summa Zoologica. Translated and annotated by, Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., and Irven Michael Resnick. 2 volumes. Foreword by, William A. Wallace. xlii + xxii + 1,827 pp., apps., bibl., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. $116. [REVIEW]Jeremiah Hackett - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):686-688.
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    One Hundred Years of Psychological Research in America: G. Stanley Hall and the Johns Hopkins Tradition. Stewart H. Hulse, Bert F. Green, Jr. [REVIEW]Rodney Triplet - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):282-283.
  36. Mary Anne O'Neil, William E. Cain, Christopher Wise, C. S. Schreiner, Willis Salomon, James A. Grimshaw, Jr., Donald K. Hedrick, Wendell V. Harris, Paul Duro, Julia Epstein, Gerald Prince, Douglas Robinson, Lynne S. Vieth, Richard Eldridge, Robert Stoothoff, John Anzalone, Kevin Walzer, Eric J. Ziolkowski, Jacqueline LeBlanc, Anna Carew-Miller, Alfred R. Mele, David Herman, James M. Lang, Andrew J. McKenna, Michael Calabrese, Robert Tobin, Sandor Goodhart, Moira Gatens, Paul Douglass, John F. Desmond, James L. Battersby, Marie J. Aquilino, Celia E. Weller, Joel Black, Sandra Sherman, Herman Rapaport, Jonathan Levin, Ali Abdullatif Ahmida, David Lewis Schaefer. [REVIEW]Donald Phillip Verene - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (1):131.
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    Phister Montgomery Jr., Logical design of digital computers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 1958, and Chapman & Hall, Limited, London 1958, xvi + 408 pp. [REVIEW]Edward F. Moore - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (3):363-365.
  38. Perception and Cognition.John Heil - 1983 - University of California Press. Edited by Fiona Macpherson.
  39. American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [REVIEW]Leemon McHenry - 2020 - Journal of American Culture 23:157-159.
    The Kennedys embraced a political philosophy rooted in antiquity, one based on a domestic policy of justice and equality and a foreign policy of reason and gentle persuasion rather than force and fear. Imperialism abroad is inconsistent with democracy at home. This appears to be the foundation for John F. Kennedy’s foreign policy which also has a remarkable affinity to the lessons offered by Thucydides in the History of the Peloponnesian War and Plato in the Republic.
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    Rethinking Consciousness: Extraordinary Challenges for Contemporary Science edited by John H. Buchanan and Christopher M. Aanstoos.Edward F. Kelly - 2022 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 35 (4).
    This slender volume is the twentieth member of a series entitled “Toward Ecological Civilization,” organized under the leadership of distinguished process philosopher and process theologian John B. Cobb, Jr. It grew directly from the 10th Whitehead International Conference, held in Claremont, California, in June 2015, and more particularly from a single conference track (out of the more than 80 making up the program) devoted specifically to various kinds of “extraordinary experiences” (especially, parapsychological and transpersonal experiences) that directly challenge the (...)
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  41.  57
    Book Review:Philosophy and Medicine Series. H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., Stuart F. Spicker; Philosophy and Medicine Series. Vol. 1: Explanation and Evaluation in the Biomedical Sciences. H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., Stuart F. Spicker; Philosophy and Medicine Series. Vol. 2: Philosophical Dimensions of the Neuro-Medical Sciences. Stuart F. Spicker, H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.; Philosophy and Medicine Series. Vol. 3: Philosophical Medical Ethics: Its Nature and Significance. Stuart F. Spicker, H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.; Philosophy and Medicine Series. Vol. 4. Mental Health: Philosophical Perspectives. H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., Stuart F. Spicker; Philosophy and Medicine Series. Vol. 5: Mental Illness: Law and Public Policy. Baruch A. Brody, H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.; Philosophy and Medicine Series. Vol. 6: Clinical Judgment: A Critical Appraisal. H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., Stuart F. Spicker, Bernard Towers; Philosophy and Medicine Series. Vol. 7. Organism, Medicine, and Metaphysi. [REVIEW]John C. Moskop - 1982 - Ethics 92 (2):381-.
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    Philosophical Essays in Honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr. Edited by F. P. Clarke and M. C. Nahm. (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press; London: H. Milford. 1942. Pp. x + 377. English price 21s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]John Laird - 1945 - Philosophy 20 (75):80-.
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  43. Mental Causation.John Heil & Alfred R. Mele (eds.) - 1993 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Common sense and philosophical tradition agree that mind makes a difference. What we do depends not only on how our bodies are put together, but also on what we think. Explaining how mind can make a difference has proved challenging, however. Some have urged that the project faces an insurmountable dilemma: either we concede that mentalistic explanations of behavior have only a pragmatic standing or we abandon our conception of the physical domain as causally autonomous. Although each option has its (...)
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  44. (3 other versions)Philosophy of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction.John Heil (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
  45. Dispositions.John Heil - 2005 - Synthese 144 (3):343-356.
    Appeals to dispositionality in explanations of phenomena in metaphysics and the philosophy of mind, require that we first agree on what we are talking about. I sketch an account of what dispositionality might be. That account will place me at odds with most current conceptions of dispositionality. My aim is not to establish a weighty ontological thesis, however, but to move the discussion ahead in two respects. First, I want to call attention to the extent to which assumptions philosophers have (...)
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    (2 other versions)Mental Causation.John Heil & Alfred Mele - 1995 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 185 (1):105-106.
    Common sense and philosophical tradition agree that mind makes a difference. What we do depends not only on how our bodies are put together, but also on what we think. Explaining how mind can make a difference has proved challenging, however. Some have urged that the project faces an insurmountable dilemma: either we concede that mentalistic explanations of behavior have only a pragmatic standing or we abandon our conception of the physical domain as causally autonomous. Although each option has its (...)
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    Believing reasonably.John Heil - 1992 - Noûs 26 (1):47-61.
  48. Powerful qualities.John Heil - 2010 - In Anna Marmodoro, The Metaphysics of Powers: Their Grounding and Their Manifestations. New York: Routledge.
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  49. Seeing is believing.John Heil - 1982 - American Philosophical Quarterly 19 (3):229-240.
  50. Doxastic agency.John Heil - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 43 (3):355 - 364.
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